What type of file can I upload?

What type of file can I upload?

Only PDF files are accepted and we strongly recommend that you supply PDF/X-1a.

PDF/X-1a is designed to provide the most robust and least flexible delivery of PDF content data. It requires that the colour of all objects be expressed in CMYK or spot colours, all prepared for the print conditions under which the final press-work will be run. Elements in RGB and Lab colour spaces or tagged with ICC profiles are prohibited. It also requires that all fonts used in the job be embedded in the supplied PDF file and disallows the use of transparency and layers (optional content). This format is generally recognised as the defacto standard in the print industry and is the least likely to lead to any surprises when processed by your printer.

Further instructions on creating and working with PDF/X-1a can be found at www.gwg.org and www.ppa.co.uk.

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